Rebates & Programs
About the SoCal Water$mart Program
All rebates offered by East Orange County Water District are processed through a third-party called This program is funded through a partnership between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) and its 26 member agencies—cities and public water agencies—that serve about 18 million people in six counties. EOCWD is just one of those local agencies. This page will contain a brief list of Residential and Commercial rebates available to our customers, with further details and application forms linked to the website.
Residential Rebates
Estimate your rebate
Click one of the options below to verify eligibility and identify the current rebate amounts for your new water saving device(s) or measure(s).
Rain Barrels & Cisterns
Rebates start at $35 per barrel (up to 2 barrels) or $250-$350 for a cistern
Rain barrels and cisterns allow you to capture the rain that falls onto your roof and reuse it later to water your garden. Plants prefer rainwater because it is naturally “soft” and free of chemicals.
FAQs & Contact Info
Contact SoCal Water$mart
(888) 376-3314
For General Rebate Information:
For Turf Replacement Program Information:
Frequently asked questions
Click one of the options below to find answers for questions most asked about both the residential rebate program and the turf replacement program.