Project Overview
East Orange County Water District upgraded and enhanced the reliability of sewer systems serving Tustin and North Tustin residents and in other areas being served. The system dated back to 1962 and some aging sewer lines were in need of repairs/replacements to ensure toilets, shower and sink drains remain operational. Select sewer lines were upsized, allowing for continued reliability with future population growth.
Following an extensive study, East Orange County Water District identified the following areas of the sewer system needing improvement: Browning Avenue, 6th Street and Crawford Canyon.
At-a-Glance Info
Tustin, Unincorporated Orange County
$16 million
This project was completed Fall 2023
View the Initial Study environmental report for the EOCWD Sewer Reliability: Capacity Rehabilitation & Augmentation Project by clicking on the PDF icon to the left or the link below.
Thank you for your time and interest in this important public utilities improvement project!

Environmental Permitting Phase
Project impacts are identified, such as traffic and noise.
Project alternatives and options presented. Construction methods discussed.
Public input and comment are received.
Project goes before EOCWD Board of Directors for adoption, at a Public Hearing in which members of the public may comment.
Design Phase
Selected alternative receives final design.
Construction schedule is developed.
Construction contractor selected.
Construction Phase
Project undergoes construction.
Project is commissioned for use.
There were 3 project segments:
Browning Avenue, 6th Street, and Crawford Canyon

Browning Avenue Segment
Project Benefits
Installs a redundant 300 foot sewer pipe crossing under the 5 fwy
Replaces more than 3,700 feet of aging sewer pipe constructed in 1962
Upsizes sewer pipe from 10- and 12-inch pipes to 15- and 18-inch pipes
6th Street Segment
Project Benefits
Installs new 10-inch sewer pipe, allowing for continued reliability and expected capacity needs
Crawford Canyon Segment
Project Benefits
Replaces 600 feet of aging sewer pipe
Upsizes sewer pipe from 8-inch to 12-inch pipes, allowing for continued reliability and expected capacity needs

Construction Methods
Open Trench Excavation
Workers dig down to expose the existing pipe. Then the pipe is removed and replaced, and the trench is backfilled.
Jack and Bore
Crews dig pits at both ends of a pipeline to be replaced. A special machine creates a tunnel without disturbing the surface, allowing the old pipe to be removed and a new one pushed into place.

Pipe Example
Replacement sewer pipes will be upsized for continued reliability and future growth.
Sizes range from 8 inches to 21 inches in diameter.