FOG Control Program
What is FOG?
FOG (Fat, Oils and Grease) is a common term for the excess animal fats and vegetable oils that are generated during cooking and many food preparation steps. It is commonly found in various cooking ingredients such as:
• Butter and margarine
• Lard
• Meat fat
• Dairy products
• Foodscraps
• Baked goods
How does FOG enter the sewers?
FOG enters the plumbing system through kitchen sinks and floor drains in food preparation areas. Over time, FOG sticking to the interior of pipes can lead to reduced hydraulic capacity or even a complete sewer blockage. When that occurs, the result will ultimately trigger a sewage spill, also known as Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO).
Why is Fog a problem?
When poured down the drain, FOG can build up over time in pipes, pumps, and equipment, which can cause significant problems to EOCWD’s sewer collection system and wastewater treatment. Some of the problems FOG can cause are sewer line blockages, which can lead to sewer overflows (spills) that causes environmental and public health hazards. Sewer overflows contain disease-causing bacteria and viruses that can make its way to rivers, lakes, and beaches.

How to minimize FOG discharge?
Can it. Cool it. Throw it away. The best way to manage FOG is to keep it out of the sewer system! Below are some easy steps to keep FOG out!
Can the FOG. Collect fats, oils, and grease in a disposable container, like a metal can, and mix it with absorbent trash such as coffee grounds, paper towels, or kitty litter.
Install drain screens in kitchen sinks. Drain screens collect food waste that can be disposed of in the trash.
Don't dump hot water over 140°F. This water should not be put down a drain that is connected to a grease trap or grease interceptor. Temperatures in excess of 140°F will dissolve grease, which may re-congeal or solidify as the water-cools down in temperature.
Properly dispose of food waste. All food waste should be disposed of directly into the trash, and not into sinks or down a drain. This reduces the FOG discharged to the sewer.
Recycle FOG. There are facilities available that collect household FOG. Do some research to see if there is a facility near you!
Properly maintain grease removal equipment. All grease removal equipment must be properly maintained and regularly pumped. No equipment should ever contain or exceed 25% of its capacity with FOG. Following is a link to a list of some local FOG hauling services.
List of FOG Hauling Services
What is the purpose of the Fog Control Program?
The Orange County Sanitation District owns and maintains large sewage trunklines that run across the county, while the 27 cities and agencies that form OCSD own and maintain the small sewers for the residents and businesses in their locales. EOCWD is one of these agencies.
To comply with an order from the State Water Resources Control Board to control sewer collection system blockages and sewage overflows, OCSD's Board of Directors adopted the Fats, Oils, And Grease (FOG) Ordinance For Food Service Establishments (OCSD-25) effective January 1, 2005. OCSD-25 establishes the legal authority to prohibit Food Service Establishments (FSEs) from discharging FOG to the sewer system.
Renew or Apply For A New FOG Permit
As established under the Orange County Sanitation District, the cost of monitoring FOG generators is recovered from the FSEs and is currently $206 for a two-year permit. To renew or apply for a new FOG permit, complete and sign the application, and mail it along with a check made payable to East Orange County Water District. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (714) 538-5815.
Sewer System Management Plan
The Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) was adopted by the Board of Directors on January 19, 2017, and identifies goals the District has set for the management, operation, and maintenance of the sewer system. These goals provide focus for District staff to continue high-quality work and to implement improvements in the management of the District’s wastewater collection system. This plan addresses the requirements for the following elements:
Legal Authority
Operation and Maintenance Program
Design and Performance Provisions
Overflow Emergency Response Plan
Fats,Oils and Grease (FOG) Control Program
System Evaluation and Capacity Management
Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications
SSMP Program Audits
Communication Program