Your Money at Work
Construction, Repairs, and Maintenance in Our Community

Circula Panorama Pipeline Replacement Project
Beginning May 2024, EOCWD will be conducting construction activities along Circula Panorama and ancillary streets in order to replace aging pipes, install three pressure reducing stations, and improve water supply reliability for the local neighborhood. Construction in the area will last approximately six months until completion.

Sewer Reliability: CRA
EOCWD upgraded and enhanced the reliability of sewer systems serving Tustin, North Tustin, and other areas. Some aging sewer lines were in need of repairs/replacements to ensure toilets, shower and sink drains remained operational. Select sewer lines were also upsized, allowing for continued reliability with future population growth. This project concluded in the Fall of 2023.

VanderWerff Well Construction Project
EOCWD is constructing a new groundwater well and, in partnership with the Orange County Water District, a water treatment facility at 210 North McPherson Road in Orange. The new Vanderwerff Well will serve the District’s water customers and enhance available local water supply resources.​
Residents can expect noise and vibration related to well drilling and other construction activities.
PFAS & Wells
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that are resistant to heat, water, oils, and stains. PFAS are widely used in a variety of industrial and consumer products.
EOCWD has taken action to ensure safe drinking water by monitoring the quality of their drinking water supplies, finding alternate supplies, and testing methods for removing PFAS from water.

Brae Glen Pipeline Replacement Project
Beginning June 2024, EOCWD will be conducting construction activities along Brae Glen and ancillary streets in order to replace aging pipes, improve water flow and pressure for surrounding homes in the area, and retire old pipelines in backyard easements. Construction in the area will last approximately two months until completion.

OC43 Vault Construction
EOCWD began construction in spring of 2023 on the replacement of the OC-43 Walnut Turnout Vault, an underground meter vault, on Walnut Ave. near the intersection of Newport Ave. The construction included replacement of the vault, pipes and valves. The project also included the addition of a new meter and new controls. Construction concluded in the summer of 2023.

Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP)
EOCWD studied natural hazards and ways to reduce the risks and impacts from earthquake, wildfires and other events. We also formed a steering committee made up of local stakeholders, which oversaw the plan’s development and outreach.
On August 4, 2020, we held a live Virtual Public Meeting which the public was invited to ask questions and learn the steps we are taking to mitigate hazards.